Student Competition Teams

Kennesaw State's student Competition Teams stand as dynamic student-led groups engaging in academic competitions across the nation and internationally.

If you’ve got questions about Competition Teams, we’d love to hear from you. Please email us below.

email Competition Team Directory

Formula One Competition Team

Forms for Teams

Alumni Allocation Request Form

The Alumni Allocation Request form is for funding requests and includes information on allocation processes, timelines, competition team criteria, presentation guidelines and more.

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Various widgets and machine parts.

Parts and Materials Form

The Parts and Materials Request Form is used to request necessary parts and materials for the successful participation in various competitions.

With the goal of optimizing our services, we've designed the merchandise order form for your convenience when procuring supplies for your prototypes. Accessible through the Student Competition website, this form is presented as an Excel spreadsheet.

We kindly urge you to exclusively use this template for your submissions.

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Travel and Travel Reimbursement Form

The Travel Reimbursement Form is for claiming reimbursement for expenses such as registration fees, hotel accommodations, and transportation costs incurred during travels. This travel form was created to process payment for airfare and/or lodging. Airfare and lodging should be booked through Travel Planners International prior to completing and submitting this form.

Once you receive a confirmation document from the travel agent, please complete and submit the travel form.

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Person with luggage on an escalator.
Photo of US currency.

Reimbursement Form

The Reimbursement Form is for claiming reimbursement for competition team expenses. This form was created to process personal reimbursements related to expenses incurred for the student competition team/RSO. It is important that prior to using this form that you make sure that the person seeking reimbursement is in the Kennesaw State University system as a registered student vendor.

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Conference Registration Form

The Conference Registration Reimbursement Form is for securing registration to competition team conferences and events. Designed for the purpose of handling conference and/or competition registration, this form streamlines the process.

For RSO Groups/Teams necessitating conference/competition registration through individual user credentials, we recommend arranging a meeting with the Business Operations Specialist. This collaborative approach ensures smooth and coordinated registration.

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People in line registering for a conference.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Student Competition Teams at Kennesaw State are student-run organizations that compete in academically related competitions. Teams travel around the nation (and the world) to represent KSU as they compete against other colleges and universities.
  • Participation in Competition Teams is limited to currently enrolled, degree seeking students. Specific teams may have additional requirements, such as training, mandatory meetings, etc. It’s best to contact a specific team for more information.
  • No. Though some competition teams are focused specifically around academic work in a particular area (e.g. mechanical engineering or foreign policy), teams are open to membership from all majors. It’s helpful to remember that in addition to their competition, teams are also student organizations needing assistance with marketing, finances, recruitment, and other team functions.
  • GHC students can participate in some aspects of competition teams at KSU. They can assist with the work of teams on campus in preparation or construction, but they may not serve as officers in the teams or travel with and/or compete with a team at the competition.
  • Dual Enrollment students can participate in some aspects of competition teams at KSU. They can assist with the work of teams on campus in preparation or construction, but they may not serve as officers in the teams or travel with and/or compete with a team at the competition.
  • Contact the individual team. Visit the Competition Teams Directory to find the team you are interested in joining. You'll join the team by visiting Owl Life. In most instances, members are asked to attend meetings and assist with team operations. 
  • Yes. Membership is not limited to one competition team. That being said, before joining multiple teams, you should consider the obligations of both teams in addition to your academic coursework and other responsibilities.
  • Competition Teams first and foremost are Registered Student Organizations (RSOs). As such, the first step to creating a new Competition Team would be to research the steps to creating a new RSO. In addition, Competition Teams are uniquely attached to an academic department who sponsors the team’s activities. Based on the type of team you are considering creating, you should contact the appropriate academic department as well. Lastly, if you need any additional assistance or insight, feel free to reach out to the Department of Student Activities for assistance.